Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunny girl here! Look at my peppers!! they have turned red. I am so nervous. I hardly know what to do with them. I know they are gonna be super hot. So I will have to use them sometime soon. Like I said I think I will use them to either make some turkey chili or tacos. spice it up a bit. Guess what?? I get my new phone today. I am so excited. Off I go now...Mikey is calling. More to come when I get back so I can tell you about our romantic dinner last night! Love Love Love!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Set Fire to the Rain

Adele is playing in concert on Oct 14 and I really want to go. I know I am getting a little carried away because I am also going to the Taylor Swift concert, but Adele is phenomenal and I feel like I want to hear her voice so bad. I dont even care if I am in the worst seats ever I just want to be there. However for Taylor Swift I want to be center stage, back stage, friends forever, sleep over parties....all that. lol! I think I will surprise Mike with tickets to Adele concert...I am not sure it will be much of a surprise for him but it will be fun and he will be off work then.
So football watching has started a little earlier then I excpected, its not even 11 on saturday morning and ESPN has been on for the past hour. I respect it though, because last night we sat on the couch watching HGTV and Millionaire Match Maker. Off we go to get his hair cute, car washed and a new computer, then NC State vs. Wake Forest at 3.....No worries tonight we will be watching The Notebook!

Friday, September 9, 2011

suntan lotion

I am sitting on the couch with the red blanket I knitted for Michael for Christmas this past year. Definitely worth evey second of every stitch because it is just so comfy. Mike is currently taking a nap since he just got off work today and is a sleepy man. Of course he is a trooper and agreed to go out for some drinks with friends at Bru's room tonight, so I am thrilled. Yay! So here I am watching Fox Family and Looking through some photos on my lap top.


I actually just came across this really special photo which brings tears to my eyes. In this picture is (left) Michael Derek Bradley, Myself, and Scotty Heilman.  For those who never got the chance to meet Scotty, he was one of the greatest guys. I truly am fortunate to have been able to call him a friend. It's still hard for me to believe that Scotty is no longer with us. Life is just so short. It really is so important to take hold of everyday and cherish those around you. When ever I think of Scotty's death and get sad, I take a moment to close my eyes and think about what Scotty would say to me if he were here. With his goofy smile he would make me laugh, say something about always buying me cranberry malibu drinks whenever we went out, and how I always said they tasted like suntan lotion. Of course I would probably remind him of how silly he was when he would run with me in his marine corp attire around the track at school. I will forever remember him and always think about what a great person and friend he was to me. Love you friend!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Here are some fun pictures. Those peppers my babies and I am so proud of them. I need to take a newer picture because those you see down there have changed color to red. I was told by my chef brother that apparently when they are green they are sweeter in taste, but once they turn red they become very hot. Yikes! It's alright though because that plant is loving life right now and continues to pump out more little baby peppers. I am planning on using the peppers this upcoming week when I make some chili for the man's...sshhh don't tell him it's a secret.  Oh and the last picture is a typical south Florida afternoon. That's why I always have my umbrella in the car.


Okay so I was listening to some Taylor Swift as I was looking at this picture, and it just made me so happy. This kissy face picture was taken on the Long Island Railroad after spending the day in NYC. We had so much fun because first off we were together and second off it was Christmas in New York which is just so magical. We went to see the Rockettes which was so fun. I was pretending to be a Rockette the rest of the day. Speaking of Taylor Swift, Michael is taking me to the T. Swift Concert on November 13. He is the bestest. I am so excited I want to cry. Maybe we will get back stage passes and she will realize she wants to be our friend. How funny! It's kinda like my first concert ever...Minus the chili cookoff. Which I cannot wait to go to in February this year. Haven't been to the in 6 years! Craziness. Anyways I love kissing this handsome man. Come home Mr. Mikers!


Hello Dear Diary Blog,
I am having an all around phenomenal day today. The Mans is coming home tomorrow and I couldn't be more excited to be with my bestest friend in the whole wide world!! I have a lot football that I will be watching over the weekend now that it's "tis the season".  Let's just hope that we can all be Jolly with the Dolphins beating the Patriots right from the get go. That would be such a great start to the football season for us south Floridians, fo sho.  Of course Dizzy Miss Lizzy was once again not cordially invited to the Men's Fantasy Football League this year...whatever, they are going to be sad when they are not invited to the Women's Say Yes to the Dress League (just saying, what goes around..). 
At the moment I have some food cooking, the pantry filled, and the fridge stocked with ice cold beer.  I think I need to teach a class on being an awesome girlfriend, or something like that.  While I was out picking up some of the crucial football game munchies, I saw the most beautiful flowers that I just had to splurge on. Turns out those flowers are exactly what the dinning/living room needed.
I must now focus my attention on the Roasted Red Pepper Chicken that I am preparing for tomorrow's dinner. I can't wait to have a romantic dinner with my hard working Michael after him being away for the past 21 days. Candles for ambience, check. Wine for added romance, check. Itunes set to love songs, check. Beautiful flowers, check. The both of us together, priceless!