Thursday, September 8, 2011


Hello Dear Diary Blog,
I am having an all around phenomenal day today. The Mans is coming home tomorrow and I couldn't be more excited to be with my bestest friend in the whole wide world!! I have a lot football that I will be watching over the weekend now that it's "tis the season".  Let's just hope that we can all be Jolly with the Dolphins beating the Patriots right from the get go. That would be such a great start to the football season for us south Floridians, fo sho.  Of course Dizzy Miss Lizzy was once again not cordially invited to the Men's Fantasy Football League this year...whatever, they are going to be sad when they are not invited to the Women's Say Yes to the Dress League (just saying, what goes around..). 
At the moment I have some food cooking, the pantry filled, and the fridge stocked with ice cold beer.  I think I need to teach a class on being an awesome girlfriend, or something like that.  While I was out picking up some of the crucial football game munchies, I saw the most beautiful flowers that I just had to splurge on. Turns out those flowers are exactly what the dinning/living room needed.
I must now focus my attention on the Roasted Red Pepper Chicken that I am preparing for tomorrow's dinner. I can't wait to have a romantic dinner with my hard working Michael after him being away for the past 21 days. Candles for ambience, check. Wine for added romance, check. Itunes set to love songs, check. Beautiful flowers, check. The both of us together, priceless!

1 comment:

  1. P.S I didn't mean to say the Panty is filled.....I certainly meant the Pantry! Thank you Michael Stuart Jr. for pointing that one out to me in an absolutely hilarious manner.
