Thursday, September 8, 2011


Okay so I was listening to some Taylor Swift as I was looking at this picture, and it just made me so happy. This kissy face picture was taken on the Long Island Railroad after spending the day in NYC. We had so much fun because first off we were together and second off it was Christmas in New York which is just so magical. We went to see the Rockettes which was so fun. I was pretending to be a Rockette the rest of the day. Speaking of Taylor Swift, Michael is taking me to the T. Swift Concert on November 13. He is the bestest. I am so excited I want to cry. Maybe we will get back stage passes and she will realize she wants to be our friend. How funny! It's kinda like my first concert ever...Minus the chili cookoff. Which I cannot wait to go to in February this year. Haven't been to the in 6 years! Craziness. Anyways I love kissing this handsome man. Come home Mr. Mikers!

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