Friday, September 9, 2011

suntan lotion

I am sitting on the couch with the red blanket I knitted for Michael for Christmas this past year. Definitely worth evey second of every stitch because it is just so comfy. Mike is currently taking a nap since he just got off work today and is a sleepy man. Of course he is a trooper and agreed to go out for some drinks with friends at Bru's room tonight, so I am thrilled. Yay! So here I am watching Fox Family and Looking through some photos on my lap top.


I actually just came across this really special photo which brings tears to my eyes. In this picture is (left) Michael Derek Bradley, Myself, and Scotty Heilman.  For those who never got the chance to meet Scotty, he was one of the greatest guys. I truly am fortunate to have been able to call him a friend. It's still hard for me to believe that Scotty is no longer with us. Life is just so short. It really is so important to take hold of everyday and cherish those around you. When ever I think of Scotty's death and get sad, I take a moment to close my eyes and think about what Scotty would say to me if he were here. With his goofy smile he would make me laugh, say something about always buying me cranberry malibu drinks whenever we went out, and how I always said they tasted like suntan lotion. Of course I would probably remind him of how silly he was when he would run with me in his marine corp attire around the track at school. I will forever remember him and always think about what a great person and friend he was to me. Love you friend!

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